
This is where the history of our vineyards began. This is the location of our family’s first vineyard – tried and tested for many years. It is where our great grandparents have grown grapes since the early 20th century. 

We planted our new vineyard here in the spring of 1997. The varieties we bet on, typical for our region, were Pesecká leánka (Feteasca regala) and Welschriesling. In 2000, we expanded the vineyards in Močiarno and were one of the first wineries in Slovakia to plant the Slovak bread white wine variety called Devin. It proved to be an excellent decision for this location and planting expanded in 2013.

The Močiarno vineyards are one of the highest situated vineyards in Slovakia. On the top they are rimmed by a forest, which practically forms the bottom of the Štiavnica mountains. This location also offers some fantastic views. On a clear day one can even view the golden dome of the Esztergom Basilica, 50 km away.

var chart; var legend; var selected; var types = [{ type: "Devín", percent: 7510, color: "#e8ce71", }, { type: "Pesecká leánka", percent: 4123, color: "#e7c445", }, { type: "Rizling vlašský", percent: 618, color: "#d5bd68", }]; function generateChartData() { var chartData = []; for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { if (i == selected) { for (var x = 0; x < types[i].subs.length; x++) { chartData.push({ type: types[i].subs[x].type, percent: types[i].subs[x].percent, color: types[i].color, pulled: true }); } } else { chartData.push({ type: types[i].type, percent: types[i].percent, color: types[i].color, id: i }); } } return chartData; } AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", { "type": "pie", "defs": { "filter": [{ "id": "shadow", "width": "200%", "height": "200%", "feOffset": { "result": "offOut", "in": "SourceAlpha", "dx": 0, "dy": 0 }, "feGaussianBlur": { "result": "blurOut", "in": "offOut", "stdDeviation": 0 }, "feBlend": { "in": "SourceGraphic", "in2": "blurOut", "mode": "normal" } }] }, "theme": "black", "dataProvider": generateChartData(), "labelText": "[[title]]: [[value]] ks", "balloonText": "[[title]]: [[value]] ks", "titleField": "type", "valueField": "percent", "outlineColor": "#e5c450", "numberFormatter": { "precision": -1, "decimalSeparator": ",", "thousandsSeparator": " " }, "outlineAlpha": 0, "innerRadius": 40, "outlineThickness": 3, "color": "#000", "colorField": "color", "pulledField": "pulled", "titles": [{ "text": "" }], "listeners": [{ "event": "clickSlice", "method": function(event) { var chart = event.chart; if ( != undefined) { selected =; } else { selected = undefined; } chart.dataProvider = generateChartData(); chart.validateData(); } }], "export": { "enabled": true } });

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