
This vineyard was planted on the site of an old one, which was unfortunately no longer possible to save. First we had to completely cut and clean the area. Then we did a thorough pre-preparation of the soil.  This included a complete analysis of the soil, fertilising with manure as well as sewing peas, which served as a green fertilizer. Finally planting took place in early May 2008.

The top part of the vineyard is rooted in a pure tuff – a stone made of volcanic ash that is easily broken and machined, and has a very important feature. The stone warms up during the day and keeps the temperature at night. Grapes in this area thus mature with higher sugar content without compromising the quality of the grape.

Kruhy had been known in the past for its outstanding production of wines called Gewürztraminer and Rhine Riesling. When planning this location we decided to plant them in the same place again. Thus trusting the choice of our ancestors who had worked this land for decades – maintaining continuity on this land.

var chart; var legend; var selected; var types = [{ type: "Svätovavrinecké", percent: 3956, color: "#e8ce71", }, { type: "Dunaj", percent: 2008, color: "#e7c445", }, { type: "Pinot Noir", percent: 1874, color: "#d5bd68", }, { type: "Cabernet sauvignon", percent: 3864, color: "#ebd791", }, { type: "Devín", percent: 2008, color: "#e9bb17", }, { type: "Tramín červený", percent: 10542, color: "#fee382", }, { type: "Sauvignon", percent: 3514, color: "#e9d89b", }, { type: "Pinot Blanc", percent: 4518, color: "#ccb666", }, { type: "Rizling rýnsky", percent: 7682, color: "#ebd791", }, { type: "Rizling vlašský", percent: 9888, color: "#e4dab7", }, { type: "Frankovka modrá", percent: 3012, color: "#feefba", }, { type: "Alibernet", percent: 7137, color: "#bfa239", }]; function generateChartData() { var chartData = []; for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { if (i == selected) { for (var x = 0; x < types[i].subs.length; x++) { chartData.push({ type: types[i].subs[x].type, percent: types[i].subs[x].percent, color: types[i].color, pulled: true }); } } else { chartData.push({ type: types[i].type, percent: types[i].percent, color: types[i].color, id: i }); } } return chartData; } AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", { "type": "pie", "theme": "black", "defs": { "filter": [{ "id": "shadow", "width": "200%", "height": "200%", "feOffset": { "result": "offOut", "in": "SourceAlpha", "dx": 0, "dy": 0 }, "feGaussianBlur": { "result": "blurOut", "in": "offOut", "stdDeviation": 0 }, "feBlend": { "in": "SourceGraphic", "in2": "blurOut", "mode": "normal" } }] }, "dataProvider": generateChartData(), "labelText": "[[title]]: [[value]] ks", "balloonText": "[[title]]: [[value]] ks", "titleField": "type", "numberFormatter": { "precision": -1, "decimalSeparator": ",", "thousandsSeparator": " " }, "valueField": "percent", "outlineColor": "#e5c450", "outlineAlpha": 0, "outlineThickness": 3, "color": "#000", "innerRadius": 40, "colorField": "color", "pulledField": "pulled", "titles": [{ "text": "" }], "listeners": [{ "event": "clickSlice", "method": function(event) { var chart = event.chart; if ( != undefined) { selected =; } else { selected = undefined; } chart.dataProvider = generateChartData(); chart.validateData(); } }], "export": { "enabled": true } });

Our vineyards

